Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Training Log 12th Oct - 2009

Single hand Db row
40Kg - 8
42Kg - 8
44Kg - 8
44Kg - 1

Single Hand Db Floor Press
25Kg - 8
25Kg - 6
25Kg - 4
25Kg - 5
25Kg - 2

Single-leg deadlift with a DB held on the opposite side.
15Kg - 3 X 8 Each Side

DB Wind Mill
15KG - 3 X 5

Neck harness
15KG - 1X35

Wrist Roller
5Kg - 3 X 3

Partial Turkish Getup
5 Reps each side, 10 KG

How Do i feel
Strong :)

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Training Log 10th Oct - 2009

Single hand Db row
35Kg - 8
40Kg - 8
42Kg - 8
42Kg - 1

Single Hand Db Floor Press
25Kg - 8
25Kg - 6
25Kg - 5
25Kg - 3
25Kg - 3

Single-leg deadlift with a DB held on the opposite side.
17Kg - 3 X 8 Each Side

DB Wind Mill
17KG - 3 X 5

Neck harness
17.5KG - 1X20

Wrist Roller
5Kg - 3 X 3

Partial Turkish Getup
5 Reps each side, 10 KG

How Do i feel
Windmill form was week. Single leg RDL were wobbly
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Training Log 8th Oct - 2009

Single hand Db row
35Kg - 8
40Kg - 8
42Kg - 5
42Kg - 4

Single Hand Db Floor Press
24Kg - 8
25Kg - 6
25Kg - 4
25Kg - 4
25Kg - 3

Single-leg deadlift with a DB held on the opposite side.
15Kg - 3 X 8 Each Side

DB Wind Mill
15KG - 3 X 5

Neck harness
15KG - 1X30

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Training Log 6th Oct - 2009

Single hand Db row
35Kg - 8
37Kg - 8
40Kg - 8
40Kg - 1

Single Hand Db Floor Press
24Kg - 8
24Kg - 5
24Kg - 5
24Kg - 4
24Kg - 3

Single-leg deadlift with a DB held on the opposite side.
14Kg - 3 X 8 Each Side

DB Wind Mill
14KG - 3 X 5

Neck harness
15KG - 1X35

How Do I Feel
Tired :(
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Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Training Log 2nd Oct - 2009

Had Missed 1st Oct session but made up for it on 2nd October morning which was a holiday here, did Mobility work and clubbell work in morning and strength training in evening...

Single hand Db row
35Kg - 8
37Kg - 8
40Kg - 6
40Kg - 3

Single Hand Db Floor Press
22Kg - 8
24Kg - 6
24Kg - 4
24Kg - 4
24Kg - 3

Single-leg deadlift with a DB held on the opposite side.
12Kg - 3 X 8 Each Side

DB Wind Mill
12KG - 3 X 5

Tukish Getup.
7Kg - 3 Each side

Neck harness
12.5KG - 1X30

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Training Log 30th Sep - 2009

Single hand Db row
30KG - 8
35Kg - 8
37Kg - 8
37Kg - 1

Single Hand Db Floor Press
22Kg - 8
22Kg - 6
22Kg - 4
22Kg - 4
22Kg - 3

DB Wind Mill
12KG - 3 X 5

Single-leg deadlift with a DB held on the opposite side.
Bodyweight - 3 X 8 Each Side

Tukish Getup.
7Kg - 3 Each side

Neck harness
12.5KG - 1X30

How do I feel.
Lower back is still very stiff and Left Glutes giving me a bit od trouble..
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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Training Log 29th Sep - 2009

Mobility Work:
Intu-flow Beginners routine.

Clubbel work:
10 mins circuit of cast, swipes and torch press.

How do I feel:
Clubbell work was very taxing on the grip and my form was very bad in last minute of the workout.
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Monday, September 28, 2009

Training Log 28th Sep - 2009

Single hand Db row
20Kg - 12
30KG - 8
35Kg - 8
37Kg - 5
37Kg - 4

Single Hand Db Floor Press
20Kg - 8
22Kg - 7
22Kg - 4
22Kg - 3
22Kg - 3

DB Wind Mill
10KG - 3 X 5

Single-leg deadlift with a DB held on the opposite side.
10Kg - 3 X 8 Each Side

Tukish Getup.
10Kg - 3 reps Each side

Farmer Walk with 30Kg DB in each hand

Neck harness
12.5KG - 1X25

How Do I feel.
Rows and DB press felt nice, the form for single leg Deadlift was off for first 2 sets but it improved in the 3rd set, first time doing Turkish getups still need to work on form
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The new Beginning

The nearby gym is still closed and next nearest gym is quite far so i have decided to workout from home, at present I do no have much space handy to keep a Power cage or even a barbell so I have got a pair of adjustable dumbbells and weight plates.

1. Rehabilitate Lower back completely
2. Increase 1 arm DB pressing power and eventually hit 50% BW mark

I would be following a routine with following components,
1. Grease to Groove : Single hand over hand Press to be done is sets of 5
2. Strength Training : 3 Times a week for 45 mins.
3. Active Recovery Day : Joint Mobility + Clubbell work 15 mins
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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pain Part 1 - Understanding it

What is pain?

Pain, in the sense of physical pain, is a typical sensory experience that may be described as the unpleasant awareness of a noxious stimulus or bodily harm. Individuals experience pain by various daily hurts and aches, and sometimes through more serious injuries or illnesses.


Usually pain stops without treatment or responds to simple measures such as resting or taking an analgesic, and it is then called ‘acute’ pain. But it may also become intractable and develop into a condition called chronic pain, in which pain is no longer considered a symptom but an illness by itself.


Pain is part of the body's defense system, triggering a reflex reaction to retract from a painful stimulus, and helps adjust behavior to increase avoidance of that particular harmful situation in the future.


Acute Pain.

Pain due to acute injuries includes things like sprained joints, strained muscles and other minor injuries. Best Protocol for such injury is R.I.C.E

  • Rest - After Injury it's very important to rest in order to protect the injured muscle from further injury.
  • Ice - Using Ice bag immediately after an Injury helps in short term pain relief, applying ice also helps in reducing swelling as it restricts the blood flow. Keep the injured area covered with ice for 15 mins, several times a day.
  • Compression - An easy way to compress an area is by wrapping it in ACE bandage. This is helpful esp. in cases of Sprain
  • Elevation - Elevating an injury reduces swelling. It's most effective when the injured area is raised above the level of the heart.

Heat can be used after 48 hrs of injury when it has moved out of acute face and swelling has stopped.

Acute pain can be easily healed using simple technique; the focus of rest of the discussion would be of chronic pain and how get relief from it.


Chronic Pain.

Chronic pain is defined as pain that persists longer than the temporal course of natural healing, Its like a bad feeling that you get when u wake up in the morning or after 10 minutes on computer your fingers starts to get numb and you get excruciating pain in your wrist. This type of pain is not due to some sudden injury but due to bad posture or immobility over a long time. 


Fixing chronic pain is not easy as in most of the cases the cause of the pain is not located at the source of the pain for example if you have Elbow pain the problem area can be anything from wrist, biceps, triceps or shoulder. And if we are looking into lower back pain then the problem area can be any thing from neck to feet.


Fascia - Fixing the puzzle

Fascia is the soft tissue component of the connective tissue system that permeates the human body. It interpenetrates and surrounds muscles, bones, organs, nerves, blood vessels and other structures. Fascia is an uninterrupted, three-dimensional web of tissue that extends from head to toe, from front to back, from interior to exterior. It is responsible for maintaining structural integrity; for providing support and protection; and acts as a shock absorber.


Fascia functions as the body's first line of defense against pathogenic agents and infections. After injury, it is the fascia that creates an environment for tissue repair.


Here are five lines of Fascia that runs through out the body -

  • Superficial back line- starts at the bottom of your feet and goes up and over the top of your head.
  • Superficial front line- Starts on the top of your feet at the toes and ends behind the ear.
  • Lateral line- Runs along the side of your lower body, hips, and oblique.
  • Spiral line- Wraps from side to side along the body.
  • Deep front line- Runs along the spine and jaw.

Everything is connected through Fascia, so a problem in one area can cause pain/ stiffness in other area. 


In next parts I will try to help you find the source of pain and some easy ways to fix it.

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Birthday Workout.

Cheers all,
Yesterday was my B'day and I decided to celebrate this with a special workout. It goes like 20 rounds of
1. 5 pullups
2. 25 Squats (normal stance)
3. Stair run (4 floors)
4. 10 Pushups
5. 25 Squats (Wide stance)

Combining into 100 pullups, 200 Pushups and 1000 Squats...The whole workout took little over 2 hour. The toughest part were pullups considering the fact I can only do 4 pullups in one go..and I needed to replace pullups with chinups to finish the routine...
As for workout goes 2 sets were toughest after the I got used to it and finished strong with gas left to 5 more sets which i would have done If lunch had not arrived..

Surprisingly I am half as sore as i expected it to be, which is really good and i would be able to hit gym today..

Another year gone and I am stronger then what I was previous year, hopefully next year would be better.

Stay strong,
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